Sunday, March 23, 2008

I miss you

Dear you,

I miss you and I dont know why. It drives me crazy just wondering if maybe, just mabe, you are thinking of me. Uggh! whats wrong with me? I really thought I was over you... for a while i had convinced myself that nothing was going to ever happen between us and that I should just forget about you. For a while I almost believed it. I was getting better. I was moving on and my life was gonig great. Out of nowhere, you po back into my life and im back at square one. What am i suposed to do now? I know i'll never ever have the guts to ask you if you feel the same way about me so I guess i'll always be the friend who sticks by you and supports you no matter what you do. I'll never feel you look at me the way you look at her. Never kiss you the way, never hold you and never love you the way I want too...